East Lammermuir Community Council

Category: ELWOC

  • East Lammermuir Energy Projects Stakeholder Meetings

    East Lammermuir Energy Projects Stakeholder Meetings

    East Lammermuir Energy Projects Stakeholder Meeting 26 February 2024 Over 140 people came along to the public meeting held in Innerwick Village Hall on 26 February 2024.   At that meeting a new website was launched, where you can find information about energy projects and infrastructure developments in and around the East Lammermuir area.  This includes…

  • Note of meeting with Fred Olsen Renewables 9 November 2023

    Note of meeting with Fred Olsen Renewables 9 November 2023

    Notes of a notes of meeting called by Fred Olsen Renewables to discuss their impending work and future proposals at Crystal Rig. This meeting was called by Fred Olsen Renewables to prepare for their (Spring 2024) work up at Crystal Rig and associated traffic movements. It also included important news about their future plans at the…

  • Minuets of the East Lothian Developers Meeting October 2023

    Minuets of the East Lothian Developers Meeting October 2023

    East Lothian DevelopersConstruction Traffic Management MeetingTuesday, 3 October 2023 Click the link below to read the full meeting minuets: https://eastlammermuircommunitycouncil.org.uk/files/2023/10/East-Lothian-Developers-meeting-minutes-3-10-23.pdf