Category: News & Updates
Springfield Solar Farm Consultation: Last Chance to Have Your Say
The first consultation on the proposed Springfield Solar Farm project remains open until Tuesday 17th September. Feedback is very important to help inform the project’s next steps. The project team invites all stakeholders to view the consultation materials at the consultation site below: The Springfield Solar Farm project consultation website where you can view all…
You are invited to attend the “Lorries in our Lanes” public meeting. Tuesday 13th August 7pm- 8pm Innerwick Village Hall With the increase in construction traffic on our local road network, it is important we know what is working well and what is not. This is an opportunity for you to provide your feedback at…
‘East L Go’ DRT 131 pilot ends
Please be aware that East Lothian’s pilot ‘East L Go’ DRT 131 service between Dunbar and Oldhamstocks ended on Friday 19 July. This was a funded pilot scheme to allow us to trial a new form of transport provision, originally over a three month period. Information gathered during this pilot will help East Lothian Council’s…
East Lammermuir’s ‘Local Place Plan’ validated
East Lammermuir’s community-led ‘Local Place Plan’ validated by council planners East Lammermuir Community Council (ELCC) are delighted to announce that their community-led ‘Local Place Plan’ is the first to be validated by East Lothian Council Planners. Through a series of community-based information gathering events, action-marked maps have been drawn up to advise community groups, council…
East L Go – Service Growth
356 users signed up since 11th March 2024 The East L Go service launched on 11th March 2024 covering the areas of Oldhamstocks, Dunglas, Bilsdean, Innerwick, Thorntonloch, Skateraw and Broxburn into Dunbar. Initially available as a phone only service for one week, while Liftango, the technology provider, completed the platform setup of the passenger app.…
ELHSCP Community Update:
Belhaven / The Abbey 28 May 2024 Following the decisions made at the IJB on March 28 regarding services being delivered from The Abbey Care Home, Belhaven Hospital and Blossom House Care Home, this update confirms work continues to identify alternative accommodation for residents, and staff are being supported by their employer. Residents: East Lothian’s social…