Over the last 24 hours
- ELC Forestry, Roads and Housing Teams have received a significant number of calls for assistance. Tasks have been prioritised, and they continue to work through the back log.
- The ELC Contact Centre has also received a high volume of calls from the public reporting issues across the county.
- Over the past 24 hours 2500+ properties have seen disruption to their power supply.
- The Health and Social Care Partnership (H&SCP) have identified vulnerable people in those affected areas and carried out welfare checks.
- Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) have provided a food van, first to East Linton Train Station, then later in Ormiston. The van provided over 500 hot meals to residents without power last night.
- We have been supported by Lothian 4×4 response and the British Red Cross to deliver hot meals to people who can’t leave their homes as well as carrying out welfare checks in support of the H&SCP.
- ELC have attended numerous multi agency meetings, as we bring a coordinated and proportionate response to the prevailing conditions. We have also provided regular updates to Local and Regional Resilience Partnerships to make the wider resilience community and Scottish Government aware of ongoing issues.
The above is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the work that has been carried out by ELC and partners over the last 24 hours. Every ELC service have stepped up, around the clock, in support of the response efforts.
We will continue to work through the remaining issues throughout the weekend:
Ongoing issues across East Lothian.
- We still have power outages across the county. Most notably in the East Lammermuir and Humbie areas. Both areas have been without power since yesterday morning. We continue to work with SPEN to restore supply as soon as possible. The British Red Cross are currently in Innerwick to support local residents and SPEN have provided a food van to Humbie to do the same. The latest on power outages can be found on the SPEN website HERE.
- Our Roads, Forestry and Housing teams continue to work through the back log of jobs and react to new requests for help across the county.
- The contact centre continues to receive a higher than normal volume of calls, but are coping well with the added pressure.
- A yellow weather warning remains in place across East Lothian for snow and ice until 10:00 tomorrow morning with the following expected impacts;
- Some roads and railways likely to be affected with longer journey times by road, bus and train services
- Probably some icy patches on some untreated roads, pavements and cycle paths
- Some injuries from slips and falls on icy surfaces
More information on the Yellow warning can be found on the Met Office website HERE.
- We will continue to update our advice and information to the public via our website and social media channels.