Storm Éowyn Update 27/01/2025

Storm Éowyn Update 27/01/2025

A further update to our Communities and ELC colleagues in relation to the ongoing response to Storm Eowyn and the implications for East Lothian.  Please feel free to share the content beyond the addressee list of this email.

The ELC Incident Response Group (IRG) met at 16:00 today, SPEN give an update on Power outages in the area. Although numbers of properties without power is reducing some may be facing a 4th night without power. The SPEN teams are working day and night to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.

We continue to work closely with SPEN as they restore supply to homes, the company has deployed a food truck to East Lothian. It is located outside the village hall at The Square, Gifford, and will be open until 10pm. Hot food/drinks will be available from the van for anyone in the local area who is still without power.

Any residents still without power, SPEN can offer reimbursement for hot food and drinks of up to £10 a day per meal (max 3 meals per day) and to a maximum of £120 per household per day. Claims can be submitted via the online form HERE.  SPEN will endeavour to process claims up to 10 days after the end of the incident.

Residents affected can claim reimbursement for hotel accommodation, hotel invoice should be sent to; along with full name, address and contact number. Up to £200 per night can be claimed, per household, max. The payment will take up to 4 weeks after the event ends to process.

Should any residents still require assistance as a result of the power outages, we encourage they call the ELC Contact Centre on 01620 827827 and ask for operator and you will be transferred to an agent who will assist.

If you have any questions around our response to Storm Eowyn or the ongoing issues we are dealing with, please feel free to get in touch.



