Category: News & Updates
On Demand Bus Service
New On Demand Buss Service fully live. First 100 chargeable rides are FREE!! All Transport Scotland concessionary fares using the National Entitlement card and Young Persons Under 22 cards accepted. Use it or loose it! DRT Route 131 is a Demand Responsive Transport 3-month trial from funding from the community bus fund, using 17-seater low…
Open Public Meeting Monday 27th February
There are currently 12 known proposals to build new electricity infrastructure in and around East Lammermuir, with potentially very significant impacts on our local area. East Lothian Council and East Lammermuir Community Council invite you to AN OPEN PUBLIC MEETING with all known developers, East Lothian Council and elected representatives, providing updates from:
Belltown Power (Newlands Hill) Update January 2024
Belltown Power representatives Andy Black and Sam McMillan attended the ELCC meeting on Tuesday 23 January 2024. They gave this presentation about the current state of the application, which is being reviewed by the Energy Consents Unit. After taking account of the findings of the recent survey, and the discussion last night, ELCC will submit comments…
Local Place Plan
The East Lammermuir Local Place Plan is being written by and for the whole community. The aspirations, priorities and projects have emerged through listening to the people who live and work in East Lammermuir. The Place Plan will be submitted to East Lothian Council in Spring 2024, and will be taken into account as they…
New (Dial a) Bus Service
You spoke – and the council can help! Coming to a place near you shortly. The East Lammermuir Local Place Plan Survey found that a top priority for local people is better public transport. (See for more details) East Lothian Council has agreed to fund a trial Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) operation, using a…
SPEN meeting notes Oct 23
Notes of a meeting between local residents and SPEN representatives on Oct 23 about the active application for the construction of the Branxton Sub-station. Note that deadline for comment to the ELC is 14 Nov.