East Lammermuir Community Council

Local Place Plan

Local Place Plan

The East Lammermuir Local Place Plan is being written by and for the whole community. The aspirations, priorities and projects have emerged through listening to the people who live and work in East Lammermuir.

The Place Plan will be submitted to East Lothian Council in Spring 2024, and will be taken into account as they write the Local Development Plan.
Thank you to all who have taken part in the process so far.
You can comment on this information by emailing Sarah McLeary

The Full Draft version of the Place Plan and Spatial Maps are currently in the pre-validation consultation. East Lothian Council will validate the documents around the end of June 2024, after which the validated version will be available here to view and download, alongside the full Consultation Report.

LPP Survey – results in summary

This Survey Report Summary outlines the findings of the East Lammermuir Community Council’s questionnaire.

Thanks to everyone who helped put the questionnaire together, and who took the time to answer the questions. The questionnaire was live through Autumn 2023.

The results form part of the evidence base for the East Lammermuir Place Plan.
This summary does not include detailed typed-in comments to avoid individuals being recognised. However, be assured all your comments are feeding into the Local Place Plan and have been passed to the Community Councillors and Ward Councilllors.’



